Join Us at SHRM 2023 Annual Conference & Expo

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Visit Us at Booth #2610  

Are you attending the SHRM 2023 Annual Conference in Las Vegas? If so, we hope to meet you soon as June is quickly approaching.

Visit us at booth #2610 to learn more about how our comprehensive population health management services and solutions can help support the mental health and well-being of your employees. 

Give Employees Access to Work-Life and Health Care Solutions:

EAP+ services and digital platform
Over 20,000 educational materials on mental health, eldercare and childcare services, legal services, and more
Live care navigators including behavioral health and chronic care to help members find support
Nearly 200 well-being exercises from mindfulness to dealing with grief
40+ CBT based exercises
Proactive outreach for earlier member engagement
One-on-one support with coaches, therapists, and work-life experts

We look forward to seeing you there and helping to support you in creating a happy, healthy, and engaged workforce!