For many years, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been surrounded by misinformed beliefs – that it’s merely an excuse for “misbehavior,” laziness, or lack of focus in the workplace. The truth is that ADHD can profoundly impact an individual’s ability to participate in professional success and motivation level. ADHD individuals also have many beneficial behaviors—creativity, flexibility, and problem-solving. Managers and coworkers must be sensitive when accommodating individuals with ADHD and find creative ways to support them within our workspaces and beyond. Read on for six tips on making your workspace friendly for those with ADHD, so they stay engaged in their tasks!

Understand the Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD is a mental disorder characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. It is essential to understand the symptoms of ADHD to accommodate them in the workplace.

Make Sure the Workplace is Organized

One of the best ways to make accommodations for ADHD in the workplace is to ensure that the workplace is organized. This means having a place for everything and keeping things in their proper place. This will help to reduce distractions and make it easier for those with ADHD to stay on task.

Give Clear Instructions

When giving instructions to employees with ADHD, it is essential to be clear and concise. This will help ensure that they understand what is expected of them and follow through with the task at hand.

Allow for Flexibility

Another way to accommodate ADHD in the workplace is to allow for flexibility. This means understanding if an employee with ADHD needs to take a break during the day or occasionally work from home. It is also essential to be flexible with deadlines and not expect perfection from employees with ADHD.

Avoid Distractions

To accommodate ADHD in the workplace, it is essential to avoid distractions. This means turning off phones, music, and other distractions that can cause those with ADHD to lose focus. It is also important to avoid multitasking, as this can be especially difficult for those with ADHD.

Create Reminders

Encourage those with ADHD to set reminders for due dates and add everything to their calendar. It also could be helpful to offer someone in the office—for instance, an executive assistant— to manage a shared calendar for the employee to ensure the calendar stays updated.

ADHD Inclusivity in the Workplace

The workplace should allow all employees to thrive and succeed regardless of abilities, conditions, or limitations, so companies must create a supportive environment that accommodates different needs. By fostering a supportive workplace atmosphere and having clear guidelines on working with those with ADHD, organizations can ensure these individuals can find job satisfaction and increase employee engagement and retention.

Everyone is unique, and for ADHD and other conditions of neurodiversity, one-size policies don’t work in this situation, which is why open dialogue is so meaningful. Employees deserve the same chance at success, so employers should consider factors such as anxiety levels, the need for flexibility, and any other special accommodations to guarantee the best outcomes for their employees.

To continue learning more about making workplaces inclusive and developing strategies to accommodate those with ADHD or other physical disabilities or mental illnesses, please explore our Resources Hub. Here you can discover additional information on the subject and on other neurodiversity to help create a fairer and more fulfilling work experience for everyone.