Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition that affects individuals differently. It is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, leading to incorrect assumptions about its symptoms and effects. The wrong impression can be damaging to those with ADHD, as they may feel judged or labeled based on false information. In this blog, we will debunk 5 myths about ADHD to create a more compassionate society.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurological disorder caused by an imbalance in the brain’s levels of certain neurotransmitters. This chemical imbalance can affect a person’s ability to focus and pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and stay organized. Experts estimate that 8-12% of children aged 3-17 are diagnosed with ADHD, and approximately 4.4% of adults in the US live with it. While medical interventions may help manage symptoms, what we know about the causes remains unknown. Recent research has indicated that genetics, lifestyle, environment, and diet all can play an essential role in what leads to a lifelong struggle for many people. Understanding this complexity of possible factors and getting proper treatment is vital to living with ADHD effectively and improving quality of life.

All People with ADHD are Hyperactive

False! While hyperactivity is one of the main symptoms of ADHD, it isn’t always present, especially in adults. Many people with ADHD are quite calm but still have problems focusing or controlling their impulses.

Only Children Have ADHD

False! While it’s true that many children are diagnosed with the disorder, adults can suffer from it too. The symptoms may even become more pronounced as individuals age and face new challenges like work or relationships.

People with ADHD Cannot Concentrate

False! People with ADHD often have difficulty concentrating for long periods due to impulsivity and restlessness, but this does not mean they can’t focus. With proper treatment and lifestyle changes, individuals can learn how to better focus on tasks for more extended periods.

Boys Are More Likely Than Girls to Have ADHD

False! Boys are diagnosed slightly more often than girls because they tend to exhibit more obvious symptoms, such as hyperactivity and impulsivity; however, ADHD is often overlooked in girls since their symptoms tend to be less noticeable or disruptive—for instance, they’re considered “spacey” or “talkative.” Health professionals should consider ADHD in both boys and girls.

People with ADHD are Lazy

False! People with the disorder don’t just “lack motivation”—they have real challenges due to their condition, making completing tasks difficult despite their best efforts. As such, it is important not to judge someone harshly simply because they appear unmotivated or disinterested in a task; instead, find ways to help them succeed by providing support and guidance tailored towards their specific needs.

ADHD Resources

It’s important for everyone—especially HR teams and managers—to understand what ADHD really means so that we can create a more understanding society for those affected by it. We hope this blog has helped debunk some common myths about the disorder so that people can approach conversations about it with accurate information rather than preconceived notions or prejudice based on something they heard before without doing further research. We hope this blog post has helped you gain insight into why these myths exist — so you can start tackling them head-on!

If you need to find more help on managing ADHD, visit our Uprise Health resources page.