There have been multiple headlines over the past year that all point to the major shake up that is happening with employee benefits.
- “Times of Change!”
- “A New Day is Dawning for Employee Benefits”
- “Are Brokers Prepared?”
HR and business leadership have embraced the need for change surrounding health care, benefits, and employee incentives.
With as many changes coming (and as rapidly as they’re moving), it’s important to have your pulse on what’s happening with benefits right now. So, Uprise Health went directly to the source to gather comprehensive and accurate data that can help brokers and HR.
In May 2022, we commissioned a study with market research firm Researchscape International. The survey involved 543 U.S. based HR leaders—professionals with a title of manager or above—at firms with 100 or more employees. The intent of the survey was to gauge the opinions of HR leaders about ways their benefits professional can step up and be a true partner to employers, identifying more holistic benefits packages that will keep employees happier and healthier.
Sneak peak of HR survey
- Loyalty to benefits professional isn’t rock solid: 53% of HR leaders said they are “somewhat likely,” “very likely,” or “completely likely” to change their current benefits professional in the next year.
- Many HR leaders feel they haven’t gotten proactive suggestions on additional benefits options: 37% of respondents said their benefit professional haven’t been helpful providing more ways for employees to access care for mental health, wellbeing, and chronic illness. 30% said their benefit professional haven’t been helpful identifying options to help employees with chronic illnesses.
The results of the survey have been incredibly informative, pointing out what HR leaders want and need from their benefits professionals, what HR teams are struggling with the most, and what the top pain points for employees are right now.
Turning data into actionable takeaways
In order to turn these data points into actionable insights, Uprise Health has created the Broker Guide: How to Help HR Meet Heightened Employee Benefit Demand. This Broker Guide shows the most valuable survey data that we gathered and what recommended actions benefits professionals can take to step up and be a true partner to employees.
One of the clear calls from HR to brokers is the need for a deeper relationship. The relationship between HR leaders and their benefits broker was once more transactional. Not too long ago, a broker was just expected to identify the right package of medical, dental, and other benefits based on price and demographics of the staff. And then they would help facilitate employee enrollment.
As benefits have became a competitive differentiator for companies, the need for more collaboration between HR and their benefits broker has grown. The amount of choice in available benefits and technologies has increased dramatically. Barriers to care access has become significantly harder to ignore. The entire realm of benefits has become more and more overwhelming. These changes have created an opportunity for benefits professionals to be more of a strategic advisor, helping their HR clients to distill those choices into the ideal benefits package for their clients.
Brokers can use the Uprise Health Broker Guide to gather up-to-date insights and information, help their clients think more holistically about their employees’ health and wellness, and position themselves strategically to maintain very strong relationships with their clients. Download the Uprise Health Benefits Guide and learn how to help HR meet heightened employee benefit demands.