June is Men’s Health Month. To highlight the importance of men’s health, celebrate the men of Uprise Health, and help encourage conversations about men’s health, we asked a few of the men at Uprise Health to speak about their personal experience engaging with their mental and physical health.

We have been posting their empowering messages throughout June on LinkedIn. However, important social, cultural, and political shifts took place on Friday, June 24th, 2022. Because of the rare nature of the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and the immense impact it has on women’s health, we have adjusted our Men’s Health campaign.

Instead of posting the remaining men’s health experiences throughout this week on LinkedIn, we are sharing the last of our highlights with you here. The topic of men’s health is incredibly important, and we encourage men to actively engage with their health and speak more openly about health practices and health concerns throughout the entire year.

We would also like to again thank the men of Uprise Health who helped us with this campaign. Their perspectives, willingness to share, and collaboration is invaluable and has been incredibly appreciated.

Messages from our Teammates

How can employers better support men’s health, both physically and mentally? “I think the biggest thing is being transparent and open. Benefits, like gym subsidies and wellness, matter, but the biggest thing is sharing the ‘why’ from the heart. For me, health is about longevity and life quality, and that’s something that should matter to all of us.” – Mike Nolte, Chief Executive Officer

“Surfing is the main thing I do to maintain my physical health. I find a way to surf most of the year. I am at the beach from before sunrise to around 7:55am. On the weekends you can usually find me at a beach until the waves stop.” – Jay Daniel FP&A Analyst

“I love going on evening walks with my family at least 2-3x a week to get out of the house and get some fresh air. I’ve also made it a habit to eat healthier meals and cut down on fast food.” – George Granda, Website Administrator

“Taking care of my physical health is a priority for me as I see it intrinsically connected to my mental health. I am a big believer in routines, and I have a fitness routine I follow religiously, rarely taking days off. I start every day at 5:45am with a five-mile walk. I have also made sure my routine is portable as I travel a lot, so all my exercises are able to be done wherever I am.

Diet is also an important factor for my physical health. I follow a mostly whole food plant-based diet, and I consistently avoid sugar and junk food.” – Joshua Jaklevick, Vice President of Client Success

Employers can support men’s health by providing “ways for employees to find and maintain a work-life balance of their own. Rather than focusing on ‘how important it is’—making sure that employees have the time and resources to think through how to create one for themselves that empowers them in both their personal and professional lives.” – Billy Bourne, VP of Client Success