Health Is Wealth
Mar 20, 2019 | 3 minutes 08 seconds
Welcome to HMC HealthWorks’ March podcast. I’m Vicki Putnam, and today we’ll be speaking with Megan Steckowski. She’s a nutritionist and a wellness coach at Agency HealthWorks. Welcome, Megan.
Thanks for having me.
So Megan, March is a month that many people associate with Saint Patty’s Day, but it’s also nutrition awareness month. So, today I want to have you discuss with us how a healthy lifestyle can give us all our own pot of gold because health is wealth. So Megan, where do you think we can start?
Well, I think it’s important to highlight that a healthy lifestyle can keep us financially healthy as well.
What are the ways we can reduce our monthly bills?
Well, many people think that eating healthy is more expensive, but actually switching from pre-packaged, processed foods for homemade meals can have a huge impact on your monthly food spending. Getting takeout or a restaurant meal can cost anywhere from two to six times the amount of a homemade meal and packs on at least double the calories. In fact, people who cook at home get more nutrients and eat less fat and sugar than people who eat take out or at restaurants.
Also, packing a lunch can be a healthier money-saving alternative. Without bringing healthy snacks or lunch, when hunger hits at work, we’re likely to grab unhealthy options. This can result in spending about $8 a day on lunch and snacks, and over five days a week, that adds up to $160 a month. Over a year, that can be over $2,000.
Another way we can save is at the store. Many grocery stores have rewards cards, which offer discounts for every tank of gas at their participating gas stations. So, if you’re spending at the grocery store, you will be saving at the gas pump. Another way to save on fuel is to bike or walk to your destination. This cuts down on the wear and tear on your car and gives you some great exercise.
Those are excellent ideas. Can you tell us a little bit more about other healthy and nutritious daily practices where we can save money?
Sure. Consider the beverages you consume. The average family spends around $1,000 a year on soft drinks and sports drinks alone. If you add beer and other alcohol to the mix, then your cost jumps up significantly and so does your calorie intake. So, fill your water bottle up from a faucet or a drinking fountain for free. Another way to save is instead of taking your family to the movies, save money and take your family to a local park. Not only will you get more exercise, but you’ll create fun and family memories for free.
Megan, these are all such excellent suggestions. My final question to you is if you had to point out one activity where folks can save the most money through living a healthy lifestyle, what would that be?
I would say eliminate your expensive habits, and the most obvious is smoking. Not only does it hurt your health, but it really hurts your wallet. Smoking a pack a day averages about $70 a week or about $4,000 a year, and over 20 years adds up to $135,000. Quitting will not only save you money, but your body will also thank you.
Well Megan, many thanks to you for teaching us about improving our health and our wealth. I want to ask everyone to stay tuned for future HMC podcasts. Thank you.