Based on a recent study, our team has published an article in “Psychology of Addictive Behaviors” titled, “Initial Validation of a Computer-Administered Addiction Severity Index: The ASI-MV.” To access the full text, click here.

The Addiction Severity Index—Multimedia Version (ASI–MV) is a CD-ROM-based simulation of the interview-administered Addiction Severity Index (ASI). Clients in treatment (N  = 202) self-administered the ASI–MV to examine the test–retest reliability, criterion validity, and convergent–discriminant validity of the ASI–MV. Excellent test–retest reliability was observed for composite scores and severity ratings. Criterion validity, tested against the interviewer-administered ASI, was good for the composite scores. For severity ratings, variable agreement was observed between the ASI–MV and each interviewer, suggesting poor interrater reliability among interviewers. This conclusion was bolstered by a finding of superior convergent–discriminant validity for both composite scores and severity ratings compared to the standard ASI. The ASI–MV is a viable alternative to the expensive and potentially unreliable interviewer-administered version.

To obtain the full text, click here.