Most people can name lots of ways to measure physical health. Mental health is harder to define. We know what it’s like to be happy, sad, angry, or content. But how much of any emotion is too much? At what point does joy become frenzy? When does anger turn to rage? How much sorrow does it take to have sadness become depression? The same situation might make two different people feel very different emotions. How we react to our emotions affects our mental health. Understanding your emotional wellness can guide you in answering these questions.

Your emotional wellness is your ability to successfully handle life’s challenging times. The ability to bounce back after difficult times faster is called resilience. Being emotionally well requires us to be mindful about our feelings and to stop living on autopilot. Practicing mindfulness helps us connect our physical and mental health with our environment.

All of our days might not be sunny, but try to brighten your own outlook. Practice gratitude and remember all the kind things you do for others. Spend time with those who make you happy and feel loved. Explore your beliefs, values and purpose in life. Remember that everyone makes mistakes so forgive yourself.

Tips for Better Emotional and Physical Balance

Name It. Naming feelings and talking about them and describing emotions is important for mental wellness.

Get a Screening. Mental health screenings help with identification of struggles and treatment leads to better outcomes.

Practice Self-Care. Good sleep, diet and exercise routines are linked to improved mental and physical health.

Start Small. Pick one small thing each week to work on. Add something new and positive, or cut out a bad habit.

Don’t Give Up! It takes several months for a behavior to become a habit, but for some people it can take longer.

Take a Mental Health Test

Get a quick snapshot of your mental health: Screening Tool

You are not alone

It’s important to remember, you don’t have to navigate your feelings alone. Mental health services might be provided through your employer. Depending on your needs, you might connect with a short-term counselor or use self-directed digital skills building modules to develop your resilience, be more mindful and learn other useful skills. Also, it is important for everyone be aware of the risks and signs of the various mental illnesses, as well as coping strategies and pathways to support. An Uprise Health webinar, Beyond Blue: Understanding Mental Health shares that information and much more.