Stress in the workplace has been around since the dawn of the 9-to-5 workday. In today’s world, it’s even more prevalent due to the increased availability, connectivity, and expectations of remote working. Now more than ever, team leaders should strive to create a culture that is mindful of stress and helps employees manage it. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.
Educate Your Team About Stress Management
Expecting your employees to know how to manage their stress levels independently can lead to problems. To support your stress-reducing workplace culture, provide your team with information, resources, and tools so they manage stress with support. Consider organizing an educational session or two led by professionals in the field, such as speakers from mental health organizations or books written by experts on stress management. This will help equip your team with the knowledge to tackle their unique stresses at work or home.
Create a Supportive Environment
A supportive environment is one in which everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of rank or position within the company. This includes creating an open dialogue among employees and employers about stress-related issues, both inside and outside of work. Team leaders should also be available to hear feedback from their staff about what might be causing them stress and how they can best address it together as a team. Additionally, creating an environment where employees feel autonomy over their work can help reduce feeling overwhelmed or burned out.
Allow Flexible Schedules and Breaks
One way of reducing stress in the workplace is by allowing flexible schedules when possible and encouraging employees to take time away from their computers during lunch breaks or throughout the day. A study conducted by Harvard Medical School revealed that taking regular intervals throughout the day reduced fatigue and allowed people to return with more focus than before they left1!. So encourage your team members to step away from their screens occasionally—you may find that productivity increases as a result.
When it comes down to it, reducing stress starts with cultivating an understanding culture at work—one where everyone feels supported and valued; one where people are free to speak up about issues related to stress; one where flexible scheduling is encouraged; and one where regular breaks are taken throughout the day if needed. With these tips, you can start building that culture today!
For more information on how to manage stress, visit our resources hub!