A new cancer diagnosis or starting treatment can be scary and overwhelming for your loved one. Now is the time to tap into your inner superhero. Don’t underestimate the impact of your role as a spouse, partner, friend or family member. Read on to see how to be an all-star support for your loved one.
Be Present.
Treatment can cause changes in body image, hormones and leave patients feeling exhausted. Stay positive, encouraging and present. Being there for your partner physically and emotionally shows that you care. According to the American Cancer Society, not only is it critical for your spouse’s emotional well-being, but studies have shown that survival may be better for those with good social support. If you don’t live nearby, support using the other resources, like employing online social networking to update family and friends or raise funds if necessary.
Be Prepared.
When going through cancer treatment, everyday chores and errands still need to be done. Tap into friends and family to assist with house cleaning, childcare, meal preparation and grocery shopping. With all the everyday chores taken care of, plan fun outings to raise the spirits of your loved one. Perhaps a lunch visit with old friends or a short shopping trip for some retail therapy. A matinee movie can provide a low stress way to relax.
Be Proactive.
Support by organizing medications, keeping medical records, tracking bills and understanding insurance benefits. Learn and know who to go to for symptom advice, finance support and home healthcare if needed. Your actions let your loved one know you care and can relieve some of their stress. Remember that often the little things mean the most.