Adolescent substance abuse is an issue throughout the country. The right treatment is crucial for recovery, and Uprise Health is proud to offer clinical solutions, including the Comprehensive Health Assessment for Teens (CHAT). CHAT is a self-administered, online assessment for adolescent substance use and mental health disorders, providing industry best practices with improved identification and treatment planning.
Uprise Health partners with providers and payers throughout the country to improve identification of members’ behavioral health problems. With CHAT, providers for Trillium Health Resources in NC reported:
- An increase in co-occurring diagnoses from 2.37% to 23.94%
- A decrease in mental health and substance use only diagnoses
- Research indicated that adolescents have a higher rate of self-disclosure using CHAT by allowing them to respond to questions in a private setting and at their own pace
- CHAT results allow clinicians to address adolescent needs earlier in the treatment planning process
CHAT users are also able to view aggregate data and see trends in their community vs. national benchmarks. For example, Trillium found that 18% of CHAT users are seriously bullied or harassed in school compared with 7% of the national average. Being aware of ongoing trends allows providers to strategically plan and prepare for adolescent needs.